Hearts for Valentines! Feb. 8
Hearts for Valentines! Feb. 8
Join me for 2 hours of valentine embroidery on Zoom on Saturday, February 8. We’ll start by looking at the history of the heart symbol, the heart in folk art, and embroidered hearts from various traditions as well as some vintage valentine cards. You’ll receive the pictured bird pattern, inspired by a Pennsylvania Dutch Fraktur drawing from the late 1700s, which we’ll start stitching it together in class. All levels are welcome. I will tailor the instruction to whoever enrolls, giving a few basic stitch demos as needed. Let’s have our own valentine-making party together, in whatever time zone you may be!
Materials needed:
Linen or cotton fabric
Embroidery floss- 6-stranded cotton, Perle cotton, wool, or light yarn (get creative!)
Crewel or chenille needle if using thicker thread/yarn or embroidery needle
Water-soluble embroidery pen, Frixion pen, or regular pencil (pencil is ok if you’ll cover your lines)
Optional: hoop, needle threader
I will email you the pdf and Zoom link on the Thursday before we meet.
The recording will be available for one month afterward.
Saturday, February 8: 10am - 12pm PT / 1 - 3pm ET / 7 - 9pm CET