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Summer Travels In Portugal

Evora, Portugal.

In August, my partner António and I were fortunate to travel to Portugal from The Netherlands to visit his family and take a vacation. Corona regulations were still in full effect, with people even wearing masks while driving their cars and walking alone on empty streets! As I write this now, they are starting to close vaccination centers since over 85% of the population is fully vaccinated. Good news for life returning to normal!

Our vacation balanced exploration, relaxation, and learning– personal goals for any trip, including my textile tours. Taking photos and stitching are always part of my life– I managed to fit in some embroidery at the beach. 

Here is some of what we did in no particular order:

Visited Arraiolos and its famous embroidered carpets, the focus of the Évora retreat next year

Wandered through medieval Óbidos with its beautiful views and unexpected bookstores (I love a good bookstore!)

Marveled at the kitchen of the Alcobaça monastery

Studied the history of Portuguese ceramic tile, azulejos

Climbed the hills of Lisbon and saw the Ai Wei Wei exhibition- Ai Wei Wei now lives in Portugal not far from Lisbon. Note his use of tile below highlighting human and refugee rights.

Feasted on grilled sardines, octopus, and shrimp

Enjoyed long drives through fields of cork oaks, olive trees, and vineyards

Cork fresh from the tree.

Visited one of the best markets in Portugal

What treasure is hidden in that pile?

Cappuccino and a pastel de nata with dried oregano from the market.

Picked blackberries on a railroad turned walking-biking path at sunset

We will experience much of this together with a small group in Évora and Lisbon next August. We'll also spend a week in the north of the country, immersing ourselves in the culture of Viana do Castelo, Porto, and the Minho region. Take a look at the itineraries and join António and me for one or both weeks!

Sarah and António in Peniche, Portugal, 2021.